
Corporate Governance

Does your board have the right mix of talent?

Monitoring and oversight are not enough. A board requires diversity of talent and an ability to lead and support the organisation – as the organisation matures, so must the Board.

We provide the following advisory and non-executive governance services:

  • Review and development of board objectives, policies, procedures and reports
  • Capability analysis – skills, competency, and personality profiling
  • Board and governance model design, role statement development, and succession planning
  • Selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of Board members and the CEO

Change & Transformation

Are you embarking on significant change?

For many, change can be a scary word, with individuals having concern about what’s in it for them.

The reasons and benefits for change need to be understood by all key stakeholders in a way that they can cope effectively and create positive change for themselves and the organisation.

We can help you successfully deliver change and transformation by:

  • Setting vision and context to create the awareness and need for change
  • Helping you to plan for the change and develop a communication and engagement strategy
  • Customising the approach for individuals and teams
  • Developing realistic actions, priorities and timeframes in order to manage expectations and realise the benefits of change to achieve short term and long term goals

Organisational Development

Is your organisation capable of delivering on current and future business needs?

As your business grows or markets change, so must the organisation.  These changes require appropriate organisation planning, structures and systems.  We can help you with:

  • Organisational design
  • Job task analysis & position descriptions
  • Cultural reviews
  • Change management
  • Workforce & succession planning

HR Policies and Procedures

Do your HR policies and procedures guide the right behaviours, actions and results?

We can assist your organisation to develop a suite of best practice HR policies and procedures that comply with relevant legislation and enable people to work most effectively and efficiently.

We provide the following services:

  • HR resource policy and strategy audits
  • Health & wellbeing audits and program development
  • Policy and procedural documentation development
  • Development and review of employment contracts
  • Development and review of employee exit procedures

How else can we help?

Executive Leadership & Coaching

Leadership doesn’t come from authority and power but rather your ability to inspire, influence and motivate your team towards a vision or common goal.

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Conflict Resolution & Mediation

Conflict significantly affects employee morale, productivity, health & wellbeing, customer relations, revenue and profit.

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Developing & Managing People

We help build and transform the capability of organisations to maximise their performance.

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Developing & Managing Teams

A cohesive team is critical for success, a high performing team will ensure your business runs smoothly and delivers results.

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Facilitation & Community Engagement

Do you need to engage multiple stakeholders to deliver outcomes?

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Business Strategy & Growth

We develop business strategies that combine creativity and outside-the-square-thinking, with proven market-driven methodology and analytical rigour, to deliver insights and results beyond current performance.

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Marketing & Branding

The aim of marketing is to identify your customers, communicate your value to them, satisfy them, and keep them coming back.

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Infrastructure Planning & Management

Planning and setting the foundation for your project can set you up for success and make your life easier.

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Project Management

Everyone has great ideas, industrious missions and inspiring projects but sometimes it's a whole different challenge just getting them across the finishing line.

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