
Essential Elements of a High Converting Solar Website Homepage


Your website is the most valuable digital asset you have and provides a destination for all digital and non digital marketing efforts.

Purpose of the Homepage

Keep in mind that the goal of the entire website may be different than the goal of the homepage.

The homepage is an entry point, and while the overall goal of a website may be to sell your Solar products and services, the goal of the homepage is to provoke curiosity, compel visitors to dig deeper, and ultimately encourage action.

Its purpose is to convey what you offer, why it matters, and how users can benefit.

The objective is to incorporate elements that:

  • attract traffic
  • educate
  • and invite action

Homepage Structure

There is some science behind structuring an effective homepage. When designing the type and flow of content, put yourself in the shoes of the visitor (potential customer) and deliver the information they would want to know. NOT what you want to tell them!

It’s human nature wanting to know “what’s in it for me” first and foremost – leave the majority of content about your business to the “About” page.

Your homepage should feature:

  • Compelling Value proposition
  • Differentiation (unique selling points)
  • Proof points (back up your statements)
  • The offer
  • Clear calls to action

Example of a Solar Business Homepage Structure

Main Menu Bar

Your site menu bar is where visitors find links to the important pages on your website. Having the right site menu bar design is critical – it affects traffic, conversions and user-experience.

Everything important on your website is connected to the site menu bar.  Ensure menu tabs are clear and make it easy for site visitors to find what they’re looking for quickly.

Above the fold

This is the section where users land on your website before scrolling. Above the fold is vitally important as you have approximately 3-5 seconds to capture user attention right here before visitors decide to stay and look around or leave your site straight away.

Maximise this area with a relevant image(s) or video featuring a compelling Value Proposition. Learn how to create your unique Value Proposition here.

Welcome and intro

Objective: humanise the brand to help connect with your audience – the introduction is where you begin a dialogue with your visitor. The general rule is to keep copy brief, informative and friendly.

Consider delivering your welcome intro via a brief 30-60sec video alongside a paragraph of text.  If a video is not a feasible option, replace with an image (eg of your Team).

The intro should include:

  • Brief history + years in business
  • What you do for who and why

Benefits of Solar

Objective: highlight why what you do matters

Keep the web visitor interested by introducing the benefits they can expect high on your homepage.  Benefits for example could include:

  • Installing Solar can help a typical household save up to $1,073 a year on power bills.
  • Save up to $1,400 on your installation with the Solar Victoria Rebate PLUS a further $1,400 interest free loan option (repaid over four years).
  • Add value to your home.
  • Power price increase protection.
  • Help reduce carbon emissions – a typical 5kW solar system will save approximately 8.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.


Objective: provide information about the type of work you do to highlight how you help with problem solving

Segment your services in accordance with your different audience groups.  Rather than featuring “Solar Services”, consider  “Solar for Homes” and “Solar for Business”.

This will help the web visitor find the information that relates to them more quickly – it’s all about the user experience!

Why Us

Objective: assert credibility via your unique points of difference

This is the section where you showcase various USPs – think about your brand promise and how you differentiate.  For example:

  • Experience
  • Customer service
  • Price beat guarantee
  • Free Quote
  • Accredited
  • Quality and performance


Objective: educate, educate educate!

In this section you can direct visitors to a “Solar Resources” section that provides various articles and education material. Arming your visitors with relevant information will help with their decision making and increase the likelihood of making contact.

Need help with your Solar website?

Solar Victoria Mentoring and Support is a free service funded by Solar Victoria, delivered by Aerium.

This support offers up to four x 90 minute FREE one-on-one confidential sessions.
For more information and to apply visit Solar Victoria or call us on 1300 237 486.