
Business health checks

How healthy is your business and is it positioned for growth?

We carry out Strategic Business Reviews to evaluate your business’ current and future position, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The scope of the review typically covers vision & values, products, services, branding, sales & marketing, management & administration, finance, human resources, and operations.

The outcome of this analysis forms the basis of an action plan on how you’re going to manage change and achieve your future position.

A strategic business review should be undertaken on a regular basis, irrespective of good or bad performance, particularly in times of significant change in business or market direction.

Strategic planning

Does your business have a plan for success?

Like the old saying goes ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. Whether you are a large corporation, a new start-up, or a growing business, strategic planning is vital for business success.   If you have a plan outlining your goals, the steps required to achieve them, and an understanding of the costs and challenges ahead, you are on the right path.

We have extensive experience in preparing practical, realistic and achievable business plans that are integrated into your business operations.   Our business development activities consider key areas such as business purpose, values, products and services, target market, competitors, marketing, finance, resourcing and intellectual property.

We can help you with:

  • Strategic planning
  • Business growth strategies
  • Innovation & product development
  • Intellectual property management
  • Financial modelling
  • Funding & investment
  • Merge and acquisition strategy

Commercial management optimisation

Is your commercial management team best supporting your core business operations?

Commercial services cover finance, taxation, marketing, human resources, procurement, health & safety, information technology and facilities management. While the scope and structure of administration may vary vastly from small enterprises to large corporations, the objective remains the same – to operate with efficiency in supporting core business operations.

We provide the following commercial management optimisation services:

  • Cost analysis and reduction strategies
  • Development and review of commercial objectives and Key Performance Indicators
  • Statutory and industry compliance audits
  • Reporting and monitoring reviews and strategies
  • Development and review of policies and procedures
  • Development of outsourcing and contracting strategies

Mergers & acquisitions

Are you considering a merger and acquisition for business growth?

If managed well, M&As can deliver substantial benefits including increased market penetration, increased revenue and share value, reduced overheads, increased profit, enhanced product range and service capability, and enhanced personal and professional development for employees.

Avoid the trap of thinking mergers and acquisitions are pure economic equations. Cultural integration and strategic communications are vital.

We provide independent advice and ongoing support covering all phases of integration, including due-diligence, strategy, planning, delivery and optimisation.

How else can we help?

Executive Leadership & Coaching

Leadership doesn’t come from authority and power but rather your ability to inspire, influence and motivate your team towards a vision or common goal.

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Organisational Excellence

From corporate governance to organisational development and HR policies and procedures we have a number of resources to help you achieve organisational excellence.

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Conflict Resolution & Mediation

Conflict significantly affects employee morale, productivity, health & wellbeing, customer relations, revenue and profit.

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Developing & Managing People

We help build and transform the capability of organisations to maximise their performance.

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Developing & Managing Teams

A cohesive team is critical for success, a high performing team will ensure your business runs smoothly and delivers results.

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Facilitation & Community Engagement

Do you need to engage multiple stakeholders to deliver outcomes?

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Marketing & Branding

The aim of marketing is to identify your customers, communicate your value to them, satisfy them, and keep them coming back.

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Infrastructure Planning & Management

Planning and setting the foundation for your project can set you up for success and make your life easier.

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Project Management

Everyone has great ideas, industrious missions and inspiring projects but sometimes it's a whole different challenge just getting them across the finishing line.

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