
Create Content That Sells

Communicating your business successfully entirely depends on the success of the content you create.

The goal is to produce a varied mix of content to entertain, educate and resonate with your target audience.

When you include a variety of styles in your strategy, you can create a more engaging experience, help your brand stand out and ultimately encourage action.

Content marketing builds customer awareness, generates leads, increases conversions, and is an essential part of a marketing strategy.

What is Content Marketing

Think of content marketing as a form of nurture program, that is creating relevant content that will help to guide your target audience through the awareness, education, consideration, conversion and advocacy cycle.

A good rule to follow when creating content is the 80/20 Rule.

80% of your content should serve to educate, entertain, and inform your audience and only 20% should be dedicated to directly selling your service.

This essentially equates to EDUCATE FIRST AND SELL SECOND!

Creating Content

Content Pillars help to create a content framework to ensure you’re posting a varied mix of content.

  • The key objective is to generate content that speaks directly to your target audience, addresses their pain points and provides solutions.
  • The purpose is to humanise the brand in an authentic way, assert authority, and build credibility and trust with your audience.

Content pillars should ideally fall within each phase of the marketing journey:

  • Awareness content pillars – should share your story, your values / beliefs, and provide a glimpse into what it’s like to work with you, as well a
    s showcasing what you actually do. ​
  • Consideration (growth) content pillars – these focus on education and building trust, credibility and expertise. ​
  • Conversion (promotion) content pillars – these are about selling your services.

Below demonstrates how you can segment content into different themes and topics to create content for your website, email marketing and for use on your social media. This is a useful tool to use when planning your weekly / monthly content.

Awareness (brand)

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why you do what you do / values
  • Unique selling points
  • Mission
  • What you stand for – social conscious
  • Testimonials / Client success stories

Services (consideration)

  • Profile each Service
  • Objectives and benefits of your services
  • Outcomes delivered
  • Showcase your work
  • Showcase your customer service model
  • How the process works
  • Behind the scenes (insight into how you work)
  • Calls to action

Education (consideration)

  • Share industry news & relevant articles
  • Also consider a broader type of education in relation to Solar:
    • Residential
    • Commercial
    • Battery storage
    • Maintenance
    • Etc, etc
  • Content can be delivered via:
    • Blogs
    • How to’s / tips
    • Infographics
    • Fact sheets
    • Case studies
    • Videos

Promotions (conversion)

  • Campaign marketing
  • Creating special offers for limited periods of time, tailored to each audience group
  • Objective is to create urgency and encourage action (and sales)


We can help create a Content Marketing Strategy for your business…

Solar Victoria Mentoring and Support is a free service funded by Solar Victoria, delivered by Aerium.

This support offers up to four x 90 minute FREE one-on-one confidential sessions.
For more information and to apply visit Solar Victoria or call us on 1300 237 486